During COVID-19 pandemic, the demand has accelerated on online content development as most education institutions had to move fully online. However, not all contents are fit for purpose especially in an online environment where it relies more on the student (student-centric). Here are 5 tips on how to make your online learning content engaging and fit for purpose.
1) Simplicity
Managing the expectation of modern learners is not just by moving the existing content into an online platform, it requires streamlining the content and making sure the learners only receive as much content as they can absorb. So, keep your modules short as the attention span for learners is about 10 to 15 minutes long according to some psychologists. Do not over complicate the structure and use fewer words but more visuals and videos.
2) Interactive Content
Either through the Learning Management System built-in authoring tool or using software and authoring tools such as Articulate and H5P for more flexibility and better student experience. Adding graphics can play a crucial role in promoting the content by simulating the work environment, motivate the learners and draw attention to specific content.
3) Practical Approach
The instructional designer can use different techniques for presenting content such as storytelling, scenario-based approach, toolkit lesson and demonstration. Also, adding examples will help the students to make sense of illustrated concepts. The presentation of the information is just one side of the coin, application is the other important side.
4) Clear and Cohesion Objectives
Successful online learning should have clear objectives measured in activities and quizzes. Having clear objectives is a great tool to build an online course structure. Avoid superfluous parts and make every individual component indispensable. Make sure you are clear on what the learners will gain by engaging in the learning activity.
5) Reflection
Finally, they say “reflective practitioner is a successful practitioner”. Having an ongoing performance evaluation process helps to determine the effectiveness of the eLearning program. So, make sure you evaluate your content to catch any deficiencies.